Classic cars

A classic vehicle is one that is eligible to be registered under the NSW Historic Vehicle Concessional Registration scheme. In short, that means the vehicle has to be 30 or more years old at the end of the current year.

You do not have to be using a classic vehicle as defined above to participate in a CRC-organised rally, or in other rally events to which CRC members have been invited. However, preference is always given to classics over non-classics if demand for places in an event is high.

Model Run-Ons

A vehicle will be deemed by the club to be a classic vehicle if it is a model run-on: that is, not yet eligible for Historic Vehicle Concessional Registration, but of the same model as a vehicle that is already eligible for Historic Vehicle Concessional Registration.


Classic car

For rally events, a vehicle must have a carrying capacity of at least two persons. A utility-style vehicle is acceptable, but a motorcycle and sidecar is not acceptable.

Except for two days of rallying per year, a classic vehicle (whether or not registered under the Historic Vehicle Scheme) must be used in rally events if the entrants wish to accrue points for the annual CRC Club Championship.