Club officers

President John Cooper crc.pres 0414 246 157
Secretary Tony Kanak crc.sec 0419 233 494
Treasurer Peter Reed crc.treas 0418 802 972
Membership Glenn Evans crc.mem 02 9665 8569
0414 453 663
Newsletter Editor Chris McDonald crc.editor 0419 255 032
Competition Secretary Alan Walker crc.comp 0432 511 709
Championship Points-Scorer Mike Batten crc.scorer 0400 174 579
02 4680 9269
Historic vehicle plates Ron Cooper crc.hvp 0403 037 137
Webmaster Harriet Jordan crc.wm 0418 275 308

*Email addresses all finish

Please, no phone calls after 9:00pm.

For rally event scrutineers, see the list of authorised scrutineers or the event supp regs.

For Historic Vehicle Plates initial and subsequent annual inspections, see the Historic vehicle plates page.